Youth Initiative Poster Competition


A picture means a thousand words and so does a poster! This is your chance to shine and show us your creativity skills while raising awareness regarding refugees and migrants in Malaysia.

All you have to do is express your imagination on the solidarity between Malaysian and our fellow refugees and migrants on a poster. You are into paperless arts now? Don’t worry, we have two categories – physical and digital poster so there is no excuse not to enter! Go get your brushes, pens and colours ready to stand a chance to win cash prizes!


  • Physical poster
  • Digital poster


  • Submission dateline is 30 April 2022
  • Timeline is roughly 3-4 weeks


  • Inidividual or a group of two
  • Can submit for both categories but only can win in 1 category
  • Maximum dimension is A3 for physical poster and 4:3 for digital poster
  • Poster can be made by using, pencil, crayon, watercolour, oil paint, etc for physical poster and any design software for digital poster
  • Poster must depict solidarity between Malaysians and our fellow migrants and refugees
  • Submission format will be in PDF only


  • RM400 each for top 5 winners

Judging and Scoring

  • 30% will be from how many likes a post can get in social media
  • 70% will be from selected judges from relevant sector and background.